Teller Report

More than 200 Russians are awaiting return from China to Russia

2/13/2020, 9:05:52 PM

The Federal Air Transport Agency said that 228 Russians are awaiting return from China to Russia.

According to TASS, citing the agency, these are passengers of S7 and Ural Airlines. They will be reissued tickets for alternative flights or fully reimbursed the cost of tickets.

“162 passengers of Siberia and 66 passengers of Ural Airlines are expecting a transfer to alternative flights or a refund. Currently, the employees of these airlines are carrying out appropriate work with passengers, ”the message says.

The Federal Air Transport Agency clarified that 1404 passengers have already reissued tickets or returned their cost.

On February 5, Russian aerospace forces completed the evacuation of compatriots from the Chinese province of Hubei, which is the epicenter of the spread of coronavirus. According to the Russian Embassy in China, 144 people were removed from Hubei: 128 Russians and 16 CIS citizens who applied to the Russian diplomatic mission.

On January 22, Oleg Yurin, an epidemiologist, senior researcher at the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, in an interview with NSN, excluded the possibility of contracting coronavirus upon receipt of the package.