Teller Report

Iran assured that all missiles in the country are equipped with conventional warheads

2/13/2020, 7:11:46 PM

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Khatami assured that all Iranian missiles are equipped with conventional rather than nuclear warheads.

According to Tasnim, Khatami called rockets a key component of the republic’s defense forces.

According to him, the United States has already tested the accuracy of Iranian missiles after a recent attack on Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq.

The minister also categorically rejected US allegations that Iran was "honing its ballistic missile skills by launching satellites."

“What was banned in the field of missiles is the work on missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, this simply does not exist in Iran,” he said.

Earlier, the Iranian military introduced a new short-range missile Raad-500 with a new generation composite engine, thanks to which it became lighter than the Fateh-110 missile, and the flight range of the missile increased by 200 km.

On the night of January 8, the Iranian side announced a retaliation operation for the murder of Suleimani. Iran fired rockets at two US bases in Iraq.

According to the Pentagon, as a result of a missile strike, 109 US troops received shell shocks.