Teller Report

Gabriel Matzneff's Parisian home searched

2/13/2020, 10:47:53 PM

OCRVP police officers had already searched publisher Gallimard on Wednesday

An investigation was opened against the writer Gabriel Matzneff for "rapes of a minor" under the age of 15. - BALTEL / SIPA

Gabriel Matzneff's home in Paris was searched Thursday in the investigation for "rape of a minor" under the age of 15, which targets the 83-year-old writer, we learned from a judicial source confirming information from the Parisian .

These investigations were carried out by the police of the central office for the suppression of violence against persons (OCRVP) the day after a search of the publisher Gallimard. Investigators look for written passages from the writer not appearing in his published works, in order to identify potential victims.

  • pedophilia
  • Justice
  • Search
  • Gabriel Matzneff

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