Teller Report

Francisco Rosell, director of EL MUNDO: "The goal of Pedro Sánchez is to light a new regime"

2/13/2020, 8:38:40 PM

"The question is not so much if the insomnia coalition crashes, but whether it will consolidate a regime change that makes any alternation impossible, as in the Second Republic." The D

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"The question is not so much if the insomnia coalition crashes, but whether it will consolidate a regime change that makes any alternation impossible, as in the Second Republic." The director of EL MUNDO, Francisco Rosell , presented Thursday at the Municipal Auditorium of Tomares ( Seville ) the risks that, in his opinion, entails the government coalition chaired by Pedro Sánchez and vice-president by Pablo Iglesias, convinced that his political project it is none other than the "enlighten a regime change" despite the electoral failure harvested by both in the elections of November 10, "just like the electoral defeat of the Republican candidates in the municipal elections of April 14, 1931 unleashed the fall of the monarchy. "

Rosell participated in the eighth edition of the series of conferences Spain to debate organized by the City of Tomares , a space for reflection on the political situation of the country, which was inaugurated last day by the diplomat Inocencio Arias and will close the socialist politician Nicolás Redondo next day 20

Rosell reviewed the political events that have led to the current political situation and expressed concern about the future of the country. "Our hope is vague and our fear is precise," he said, citing the French writer Paul Valéry .

In his opinion, Iglesias, Podemos and also the independence parties that support the Government of Sánchez are encouraged by a "constituent spirit," for which "enabling laws" are enough, "such as those used by Hitler to tear down the Republic of Weimar or, more recently, as Chavismo did in Venezuela, "said Rosell, who recalled that the purple party has never concealed that" it seeks to bolivate Europe. "

Thus, he recalled, Pablo Iglesias himself admitted in the London magazine The New Left Review , "where he stated that it is not appropriate to reveal what is thought until power is conquered."

"We attended the consummation of Zapatero's project by an unscrupulous president like Sanchez who, without principles or considerations, considers it good to send even a herd of cattle," added the director of EL MUNDO paraphrasing Quijote .

Rosell also referred to the solutions that Sánchez proposes for the secessionist challenge in Catalonia, warning that his proposal of plurinational Spain would mean "that the whole be subject to the parties, primarily to the design of Catalan and Basque independence workers, but without that theoretically everything gets involved in the fate and destiny of those parts. "

Francisco Rosell was presented at the rostrum by ABC writer and columnist José Antonio Gómez Marín , with whom the speaker maintains a close friendship from the first steps of Andalusian autonomy, being Rosell current chronicler and Gómez Marín, then, advisor to the President José Rodríguez de la Borbolla.

"When Paco Rosell took over the management of EL MUNDO he was as much experience as journalistic skill, and it seems that he is getting, against all odds, keep a leading newspaper at this crucial moment in Spanish life," Gómez Marín said in his profile about the journalist.

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  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Spain
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • We can
  • Seville
  • Venezuela
  • Catalonia

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