Teller Report

Clear sign for the extra budget on municipal billions

2/13/2020, 7:42:14 PM

The opposition runs across the government in the battle for more money for welfare. A majority of the Finance Committee gives green light for around SEK 2.5 billion more to the municipalities, in addition to what the government promised. M, KD, V and SD hope that the municipalities can get the money within a few weeks.

A majority of the Finance Committee consisting of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats adds money beyond the $ 5 billion promised by the government and the cooperation parties Center Party and Liberals in the amending budget in April.

The government, C and L will cast their votes when Parliament in its entirety votes on the proposal next week.

- It's the same as saying no. This means prioritizing free years over welfare, says Elisabeth Svantesson, M's economic-political spokesperson.

Hope for quick money

The billions that the committee has now decided on can soon be paid out to the municipalities and regions, hopes M, KD, V and SD.

- Our picture is that it should be possible within a few weeks, that is, at the end of the month February - March, says Svantesson.

V's economic-political spokesperson Ulla Andersson also believes that the extra state grant can be paid out soon.

- I really hope it will, because the money is needed quickly, says Andersson.

- I am very happy that we have managed to squeeze this money together with M and KD. It is very much needed.

The proposal is largely paid for by the parties saying no to the government and cooperation parties' proposals for development time - what Svantesson calls free year - and entry deductions, heart proposals for the Environmental Party and Center Party respectively. It accounts for about 1.8 billion. Half a billion is raised by reducing a targeted government grant to teacher assistants.

Unclear about comeback

The center's economic-political spokesperson Emil Källström does not dare speculate on whether the entry tax deduction can make a comeback in next year's budget, at least not in exactly the form it has now.

- Of course, our ambition to lower taxes on jobs and businesses with a bearing on improving integration remains. But if there is an active parliamentary majority that stops any tax cut on companies, then we have a problem, he says.

The Finance Committee Chairman Fredrik Olovsson (S) is critical of the opposition stepping in and changing an already decided budget.

- I am concerned about the process of breaking down decided budgets, because that means that citizens, companies, organizations and our outside world do not know what applies in the long term. After all, it is among the most important in economic policy, that one has the long-term perspective and provides stable conditions, he says.