Teller Report

When Wikipedia removes the PS candidate page from Grenoble

2/12/2020, 7:04:14 PM

The online encyclopedia considered that the candidate was not a personality "already known or recognized"

The Wikipedia page of Olivier Noblecourt, candidate supported by the PS in Grenoble, has been deleted. - WILLIAM ALIX / DICOM / SIPA

Olivier Noblecourt, former interministerial delegate for the fight against poverty of Emmanuel Macron and candidate supported by the PS for the town hall of Grenoble, saw his Wikipedia page deleted, "due to his lack of notoriety", said the encyclopedia online.

In a message dated February 9, the site administrator explains that this decision was taken after a "clear consensus for the removal because of the lack of awareness of this person" who occupies "no political office".

"Wikipedia is not a showcase for creating notoriety"

"This article, outside criteria, was created for electoral purposes (...) Wikipedia is not a showcase to create notoriety or serve as promotional support but on the contrary, an online encyclopedia which evokes personalities already known or recognized" , he added.

Contacted by AFP, Olivier Noblecourt did not wish to comment on this deletion. Former assistant to former mayor Michel Destot (PS, 1995-2014), he embarked on the Grenoble campaign in mid-December. Former member of the PS but still according to him a socialist at heart, he leads the list "Grenoble Nouvel Air" which includes, in addition to the PS, the PRG, the MRC, the GRS, Cap 21 - Le Rassemblement Citoyen, GO-Citizenship (Grenoble movement) and activists of Génération.s.

He received the support last week of the former Minister of Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (PS), who participated in his first meeting.


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  • municipal
  • Grenoble
  • PS