Teller Report

More and more hedgehogs at the care center of the LPO Aquitaine

2/12/2020, 3:52:37 PM

The LPO Aquitaine care center, based in Audenge in Gironde, collected in 2019 nearly 5,000 animals, including more than 700 European hedgehogs

A European hedgehog collected by the LPO care center in Audenge in Gironde. - LPO Audenge treatment center

  • The European hedgehog has become the species most threatened by the effects of insecticides and urbanization.
  • To cope with this renewed activity, the health center launched a donation campaign on Helloasso.
  • The Audenge center collects injured animals on a territory that covers the Gironde, the Dordogne, and also part of the Landes and Lot-et-Garonne.

Victim of his own success. The LPO (Bird Protection League) care center in Audenge in Gironde, collected 4,934 injured animals in 2019. This is 600 more than in 2018, a year which had already increased sharply compared to 2017.

Problem: collecting and caring for these animals comes at a cost. The average cost of the stay of a European hedgehog, the most represented species in the center with more than 700 individuals collected in 2019, amounts for example to 180 euros. A total of 126,000 euros just for this species. The LPO Aquitaine launched a donation campaign at the end of 2019 on the Helloasso platform, which has already raised more than 11,000 euros.

Treating a hedgehog costs an average of 180 euros at the LPO care center in Audenge - Grégory Pol

Little Owl and Circaète Jean-le-Blanc

“It is expensive because hedgehogs generally arrive very damaged, following shocks. It is therefore necessary to use antibiotics, painkillers, and sometimes it is also necessary to anesthetize and perform radios ”explains the manager of the Audenge center Noriane Rhouy. This species is the most represented today, "because it is one of the species closest to us, we find it in our gardens, and it therefore undergoes the full force of the effects of insecticides or urbanization, with including bumps against cars. "

Among the other animals regularly welcomed by the center, we find the owl of Athena, a small nocturnal raptor, the sparrow or the blackbird. But also more surprising species. "There are sometimes exotic animals that have been introduced into our territories, and also lost animals, such as this circa Jean-le-Blanc, a large raptor that was found accidentally damaged by a shock" continues Noriane Rhouy.

The Audenge care center covers an area that includes the Gironde, the northern Landes, the Dordogne and part of the Lot-et-Garonne.


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  • Aquitaine
  • biodiversity
  • Bordeaux
  • Animals
  • Planet