Teller Report

Media: In Russia, they propose to ban making noise during the day

2/12/2020, 10:58:25 PM

The Federation Council intends to send to the Justice Ministry an amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), according to which additional “hours of silence” may be introduced in Russia.

This is reported by "Izvestia" with reference to a copy of the document.

“In Russia they want to ban noise from 13:00 to 15:00 and from 19:00 to 9:00, as well as on Sundays and public holidays, penalties for violators will reach 40 thousand rubles,” the report said.

In case of violation, individuals will face an administrative fine of 500 to 3 thousand rubles, and legal entities - from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

Earlier, Vera Moskvina, executive director of the Guild of Housing Companies in the Housing and Utilities Sector, in an interview with Nation News, praised the initiative to introduce fines for noise in residential buildings.