Teller Report

Ferrari's decision: Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc compete

2/12/2020, 7:08:06 PM

Last season Sebastian Vettel was pronounced Ferrari's first driver. But this year there are no such orders. Now Vettel and Charles Leclerc are competing against each other. - Then get to fight each other, says stall manager Mattia Binotto.

One of last season's big snack ice creams in the Formula 1 World Cup was the rivalry between Ferrari's two drivers Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc.

Vettel started the season as a stated one, but was defeated despite it by Leclerc on numerous occasions.

Collision in Brazil

It all escalated during the season. In September, Vettel refused to follow stall orders, as the team wanted him to let Leclerc pass. And in November, the duo collided as they battled for fourth place in Brazil's GP.

This season will be different. Today, Ferrari boss Mattio Binotto announced that the stable has no pronounced one.

- Things have evolved. Charles now has a one-year routine from here. At this time last year, we said that "Seb" was our first driver and that Charles was second. But after a year, both have shown that they can fight for the top investments. Both are on the same level, he says, according to Racefans.

SEE MORE: Double Ferrari when Vettel found back to the top (September 22, 2019)

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Sebastian Vettel got to cheer again. Photo: TT