Teller Report

Barcelona loses almost 500 million euros and Fira 30% of its budget with the suspension of the Mobile World Congress

2/12/2020, 7:40:25 PM

The economic sector of Barcelona suffers a strong blow with the suspension of the Mobile World Congress for fear of the spread of the coronavirus. The organizers planned to exceed 1

The economic sector of Barcelona suffers a strong blow with the suspension of the Mobile World Congress for fear of the spread of the coronavirus. The organizers planned to exceed 110,000 attendees from 200 different countries and generate an economic impact of 492 million euros and about 14,000 temporary jobs in the city during its edition. In addition, the income for Fira de Barcelona for the celebration of the event is important since they represent 30% of the 215 million of its annual budget. Undoubtedly a bad business before the avalanche of claims of companies that have decided that they will attend if, in case of canceling it, the organizers must face these indemnities.

And this cancellation can have a strong negative impact not only for the sale of tickets but also for the space that Fira is hired to locate the stands of each company: A square meter costs around 1,200 euros.

The suspension has also caused a stir in other tourism sectors. The hotel chains regret losing the revenue of the year they invoice the most. From the Gremi d'Hotels in Barcelona they remembered that the city will suffer cancellations of the 40,000 rooms that are reserved. About 28,000 were made by the official agency that hires the GSMA, Bnetwork.

Also in the catering, transportation, leisure or tourism sector there is concern about this suspension. Last year the Catalan Federation of Associations of Restoration and Musical Activities indicated that during the MWC they invoiced almost 118 million euros, a figure much higher than that of other editions due to the increase in attendees. The president of Apartur , Enrique Alcantara, said that "the sector is playing 14 million euros these days, 4% of annual turnover. There are many people who depend on the MWC."

In addition, the administrations had achieved this year that no unemployment or protest, such as taxis or urban transport, were carried out during the celebration of the fair as it happened other years.

The suspension came despite alerts from the Government and the Generalitat that there were no public health reasons to suspend the event. The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa , recalled that the four criteria that mark the actions are followed: the scientific evidence and the criteria of the experts, the daily monitoring of the evolution of the virus and the reassessment of the measures, coordination with the communities autonomous, European health authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO) and "absolute information transparency" to communicate any news to the population.

The minister indicated that there is the protocol for action in suspected cases of Covid-19 based on "the early detection of possible cases and the isolation of those confirmed", and recalled that in Spain 38 patients have been evaluated, two of which are has detected the new coronavirus. The Minister of Health of the Generalitat, Alba Vergés, said that the MWC's welfare system is "perfectly coordinated" with the Catalan health system, so the same protocol and the same circuits should be followed. In addition, he added that they have met with representatives from about 50 countries of the consular body accredited in Barcelona to explain the protocols for prevention and care of the coronavirus.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Barcelona
  • Salvador Illa
  • Mobile World Congress
  • Spain

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