Teller Report

National Day Celebration Celebration Held throughout the country

2/11/2020, 1:19:34 PM

On the 11th anniversary of the National Foundation Day, ceremonies were held in various places to celebrate this.

National Foundation Day Celebration Ceremony February 11 19:38

On the 11th anniversary of the National Foundation Day, ceremonies were held in various places to celebrate this.

At the Meiji Jingu Kaikan in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, a ceremony was held at a shrine headquarters and other ceremonies to celebrate the founding of Japan, and approximately 1200 people attended as announced by the organizers.

Among them, Professor Emeritus Yasuo Ohara of Kokugakuin University, who is the representative of the association, wrote, "The situation in Japan is severe. I sincerely pray for a new era towards a true homeland renewal, including a constitutional amendment. "

And there has been no progress in the parliamentary discussions on the essential constitutional revision, and it is imperative that we make great progress this year, and we urge the government to hold a government-sponsored celebration on the day of its founding. A resolution was adopted that included things.