Teller Report

Joe Biden Skips Election Vacations - Goes to South Carolina Previously

2/11/2020, 8:18:02 PM

Former Vice President Joe Biden is predicted to end well after Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg in the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. Instead of taking part in the election, he travels south to South Carolina already during Tuesday night, US media reports.

Joe Biden finished in a modest fourth place in the first Iowa primary. In opinion polls for New Hampshire, Biden has gained about 10% of voter confidence, compared to Bernie Sanders who falls between 25 and 30%.

Voters want to hook a candidate in the tailwind, and so do those who donate money to the campaign. But Joe Biden's weak start in the pursuit of becoming the Democratic presidential candidate has led financiers to hesitate, and Biden has now been forced to suspend scheduled television advertising because of the economy.

But in the next state of Nevada and South Carolina, which has more voters with African-American or Latin American backgrounds, the 77-year-old is expected to perform better than in the nearly all-white states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

"Super Tuesday" is approaching

Already during Tuesday night, Biden will fly to South Carolina to hold a campaign meeting in a state where his chances of winning are significantly greater. However, the statistics show that the Democratic presidential candidate almost always wins in either Iowa or New Hampshire.

The nomination meetings in Nevada are held on February 22, and a week later is the primary election in South Carolina. Then 16 states will go to elections March 3, when it is "Super Tuesday".