Teller Report

Grief in Vänersborg after the death of a young woman

2/11/2020, 8:17:50 PM

The Salem Church in Vargön held the extra open on Monday night, and will also dedicate Tuesday evening, to remember and mourn the young woman who died in a tragic surfing accident in Hawaii. - It's like we're standing together in the awful thing that has happened. It is a lot of tears and hugs, says Björn Fredriksson, pastor of the church.

The woman was in her 20s and had gone to Hawaii for Bible studies. When she was surfing with her two friends, the group was suddenly surprised by a large wave that struck them and pulled them further out to sea. It is the image of the course of events reproduced by the Hawaiian Coast Guard.

But only two managed to get to the beach.

An intensive search effort took place, and both aircraft, helicopters and several boats tried to find the missing woman. But on Monday night, the search group confirmed that the effort had ended, and the hope had been given of finding the woman alive.

Grieve for message

In Vargön, in the municipality of Vänersborg, there is the Christian congregation where the girl was a resident. Björn Fredriksson is pastor and pastor of the church, and says that there have been tough times in the countryside lately.

- As the rescue work was underway, we prayed and hoped she would be alive. But when we found out that they had given up the search, I think it felt very hard for many, he says.

Björn Fredriksson goes on to say that he sees great support for the family around him.

- You feel that people show great care. I notice it when I go shopping and meet people. They express their sympathy with the family and us as a congregation, they know we have a tough time. It's very nice to feel that support.

Faith is important

On Monday night, the same night they were told, the Salem Church had the extra open to the woman's memory and to receive mourning.

- We had lit candles, we had conversations outside the church, people comforted each other and talked to each other and tried to process what had happened. So it felt meaningful to keep the church open that way.

What does faith mean in this grieving process?

- It means a lot. I think if this had happened in a context where the family had not belonged to a church and a congregation, it would have been tougher to go through such a process, says Björn Fredriksson.

night Hours

The Salem church in Vargön will also have the evening open during Tuesday, starting at 18:00. The church will then follow the development and try to be as much help as possible, says Björn Fredriksson.

- We try to be as compliant with the process as we can and what needs exist. We try to do everything possible to support the grief.

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