Teller Report

Essure contraceptive implants: women accuse the State of deficiencies

2/11/2020, 4:58:13 PM

Four women who wore the Essure contraceptive device, marketed by the Bayer laboratory until 2017, pointed out on Monday what they consider to be deficiencies in the state in its health surveillance mission. & Nbsp; & quot; One day you won't can no longer work. All of a sudden, you are just a shadow of yourself & quot;, one of the victims of these implants testified at the microphone of Europe 1.

Four women who wore the Essure contraceptive device, marketed by the Bayer laboratory until 2017, pointed out on Monday what they consider to be deficiencies in the state in its health surveillance mission. "One day you can no longer work. Suddenly, you are only a shadow of yourself," said one of the victims of these implants at the microphone of Europe 1.

Has the state failed in its health policing mission? Several former carriers of Essure contraceptive implants point out in any case what they consider to be deficiencies of the public authorities. Four of them even announced on Monday to the press that they wanted to "act against the state", demanding in particular an independent study and compensation. According to them, the toxicity of these implants could have been prevented.

"Not only is the device toxic, but we could know it"

These four victims had analyzes carried out at their expense by an independent laboratory. These reveal the toxicity of implants which release toxic particles of tin into the body. For Stephen Duval, their lawyer, the health authorities had to be aware of this toxicity before the device was marketed. "Not only is the device toxic, but above all, we could know. Since 2004, the information was already present in the pre-clinical studies and the State could have prevented these elements if it had ensured its police mission and surveillance. He has not done so and we are taking action against him because of his shortcomings, "said the lawyer.

The Minister of Solidarity and Health Agnès Buzyn was informed of the victims' approach while a procedure is soon to be launched before the administrative court. If the State does not recognize a fault, another action, in progress against the Bayer laboratory, could also succeed.

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"Suddenly you are only a shadow of yourself"

The victims today feel "muscle, joint pain, very great fatigue, gynecological pain, visual disturbances, migraines", lists at the microphone of Europe 1 Brigitte, a Lyonnaise being among the victims. At the time of the implant break, she is 43 years old and no longer wishes to have children. His doctor tells him about this new solution, the Essure metal implant, in order to avoid surgery such as tubal ligation. His life changes. "One day you can no longer work. Suddenly you are only a shadow of yourself. You feel like you are 80 but you are 50. It is a descent to hell, "she says.