Teller Report

After its Oscar triumph, “Parasite” comes out ... in black and white

2/11/2020, 10:40:37 AM

“Parasite”, Palme d'Or 2019 and Oscar 2020 for best film, will be back on French screens, but in black and white, from February 19

Parasite movie poster, cropped. - DR

The film Parasite , which has already accumulated more than 1.7 million admissions in France, could well add some figures to the counter. The big winner of the Oscars 2020 ceremony (four statuettes including that of the best film), awarded the Palme d'Or last year at the Cannes Festival, will be released in theaters from February 19 ... in black and white.

A choice decided well before the raid of trophies and motivated by the attraction of the director Bong Joon-ho for this format, and by his taste for the works of Friedrich W. Murnau, author, among others, of Nosferatu the vampire and The Aurora released in 1922 and 1927.

The poster of the film Parasite in black and white. - DR

"As sharp as a blade"

“I am sure that everyone will have a different opinion on this new version. The first time I saw it, the film almost looked like a fable, and I had the strange feeling of watching a story from another era. The second time, the film seemed to me much more realistic, sharp as a blade. Since then, the film has never stopped redefining itself in my head, but I prefer that you discover this new version without saying too much, "explained the South Korean filmmaker in the press release.

Parasite will also be visible, in its color version, on Canal +, from February 29. Or the day after the Cesars, where he could win a new trophy, that of the best foreign film…

Note that this is not the first time that Bong Joon Ho has tried this exercise: he had already worked on a black and white version for his film Mother in 2009.


VIDEO. Oscars 2020: Absolute triumph for “Parasite”, which goes down in history


Bong Joon-ho still can't believe the success of “Parasite”

  • Cannes film festival
  • Caesar 2020
  • Palme d'Or
  • Movie
  • Culture
  • Cinema
  • Oscars