Teller Report

UAE residents increased their consumption of Chile nuts .. Learn about the species

2/10/2020, 2:13:13 PM

Chile participates in the twenty-fifth session of the Gulf Food Exhibition "Gulfood" which takes place from February 16 to 20 at the Dubai World Trade Center. For the first time, Chile participates in Gulfood Exhibition in two pavilions in two separate halls, the International Food Division "platform No. S-H

Chile will participate in the twenty-fifth session of the Gulf Food Exhibition "Gulfood" which will be held from February 16 to 20 at the Dubai World Trade Center.

For the first time, Chile participates in the Gulfood exhibition in two pavilions in two separate halls, the International Food Division "Platform No. S-16" and the Department of Beans, Grain and Grains "Platform No. Z2-C3" to show its various products and foods from raisins, dried peaches, peeled and unshelled walnuts, almonds and berries. Wild, dried apricots, oatmeal, whole grains and their derivatives, olive oil, as well as concentrated juices and the like.

Chile's exports of nuts to the UAE witnessed a significant increase by 75% to record 43.8 million US dollars (161 million dirhams) in the period between January and September 2019 compared to 25 million dollars (92 million dirhams) during the same period in 2018.

The value of Chile's exports of nuts in 2019 to various parts of the world amounted to about 572 million US dollars. Nuts constitute the majority of these exports by 76% compared to 13% and 10% for both hazelnuts and almonds respectively, as Chile is currently the second largest exporter of unpeeled nuts in the world And the third after both the United States and Mexico in relation to peeled nuts.

Carlos Salas, the commercial commissioner of the Republic of Chile in Dubai said: "The exporters of walnut in Chile are keen to explore the available opportunities and ways to take advantage of them to enhance their exports to the region and provide more options to restaurants and supermarket chains, while participating in the twenty-fifth session of the Gulfood exhibition. At the Dubai World Trade Center.