Teller Report

Italy: industrial production down in 2019

2/10/2020, 9:22:36 PM

Italian industry is under pressure. For the first time since 2014, the country recorded a significant drop in industrial production: minus 1.3% in 2019. A figure heralding a…

Italy: industrial production down in 2019

Whatever the figure, Italy is set to experience the weakest growth in the Eurozone and the European Union in 2020. REUTERS / Guglielmo Mangiapane

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Italian industry is under pressure. For the first time since 2014, the country recorded a significant drop in its industrial production: minus 1.3% in 2019. A figure heralding a general deterioration of the Italian economy.


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For a year, month after month, Italy has seen its production fall. Almost all sectors - from energy to consumer goods - are affected. But it is the industry which remains the hardest hit with a decrease of over 10% in its production.

In 2018, the industry had already lost 3%. A poor balance sheet which risks directly affecting Italian GDP, the progression of which has already passed below the 0.5% mark.

If the government wants to be optimistic, the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission are not planning any improvement this year. Predictions that make companies cautious in their investments.

Italy, the victim of the general slowdown in the European economy and the trade war between China and the United States, is expected to experience the weakest level of growth in the euro zone for the second consecutive year.

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  • Italy
  • Economy
  • Eurozone
  • Trade and Exchanges
  • Industry

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