Teller Report

Hotel in space by the end of 2024

2/10/2020, 10:05:04 PM

During the past week, NASA announced that it plans to commercialize the International Space Station, and Axiom Space is seeking to take advantage of this step and open a space hotel connected to the international station. Axios has published more details of the plan, which includes NASA's dependence on

During the past week, NASA announced that it plans to commercialize the International Space Station, and Axiom Space is seeking to take advantage of this step and open a space hotel connected to the international station. Axios released more details of the plan, which includes NASA's reliance on private companies to provide orbital services rather than implement them. The plan marks a major shift in NASA’s priorities, which have spent more than 20 years helping to manage the International Space Station. The "Axios" website stated that "Axiom Space" company still needs several years to establish this space hotel, as the company plan includes launching the first model of the hotel by the end of 2024, and launching two other models during 2025, one for housing and the other for manufacturing. The Axiom staff will be permanent guests of the International Space Station before the launch of the hotel. "The company has reserved seats on board the missiles that will be launched to the International Space Station during the next year," Michael Safridini, who helped found the company, told Axios. He added, "The company decided to start these trips early to train its crew."