Teller Report

Western Sahara: the issue that complicates the life of the African Union

2/9/2020, 5:45:33 PM

This is one of the angry subjects in the African Union: the situation in Western Sahara. At each summit, it invites itself into the debates, the AU being the only organization where Morocco and ...

Western Sahara: the issue that complicates the life of the African Union

The headquarters of the African Union in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, February 5, 2020 Paulina Zidi / RFI

Text by: Paulina Zidi Follow

This is one of the angry subjects in the African Union: the situation in Western Sahara. At each summit, it invites itself into the debates, the AU being the only organization where Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) sit side by side, but often back to back.


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From our special correspondent in Addis Ababa,

" This is a real cause of the organization being blocked!" For a senior AU official, this issue of Western Sahara is one of the subjects of this summit and more broadly of the African Union. An opinion that the chairman of the Organizing Committee, Moussa Faki Mahamat, did not hesitate to share with all the heads of state and government gathered in Addis Ababa: " The conflict in Western Sahara remains worrying for the functioning of our organization. " It is complicated," confirms a Moroccan diplomat, " because it is the oldest unresolved conflict on the continent. "

" We thought we were smart with the history of the Troika, " added the senior diplomat, " but it has not yet managed to meet. The Troika is a decision of the African Union which dates back to the summer of 2018 during the summit in Mauritania. As often during organization meetings, the question of Western Sahara resurfaces. The heads of state then unanimously adopt a resolution which sets up a Troika. It is made up of three presidents of the AU (the current president in office, his predecessor and his successor). This Troika's mission is to liaise with the United Nations on the front line on this issue. At this time, the two camps cry out for victory. Morocco believes that the file remains in the hands of the United Nations, which is one of its claims. The SADR, for its part, highlights the fact that the issue has now risen to the level of heads of state.

Another failure of the Troika

Except that since, this Troika has never met. And for now, this 33rd summit is no exception to the rule. Planned on the agenda this Sunday before the opening of the meeting, the Troika over Western Sahara was once again canceled.

Morocco is trying to save time. These are blockages at the level of the AU which prevents this meeting. Morocco does not want it. These are the same obstacles that we see at the UN, ”confides an official of the Polisario Front.

Morocco denies it. There is no reason why it should scare Morocco. There were tensions for several months after Morocco returned to the AU until this decision by the Nouakchott summit. We agreed with the establishment of this Troika process. The file is in New York and the Troika must accompany this work. If it did not meet, I imagine, it is for reasons of calendar overlaps, "explains Nasser Bourita, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco.

However, on the side of the United Nations, the file does not advance any more . After several rounds of negotiations in Geneva, the UN envoy Horst Kholer resigned for " health reasons " in May 2019. For the researcher at Paris I University, Khadija Mohsen-Finan, " the file is at a standstill in the United Nations. The fact that there is no emissary is not free, if no one wants it, it is because there is no progress possible. The United Nations no longer has the opportunity to resolve this conflict. "

Moroccan advances on the ground

On the ground, Morocco is advancing its pawns with two laws which extend its hold over the territorial waters of Western Sahara. Several African countries have also recently announced the opening of consulates in Laâyoune . These are Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Comoros, Central African Republic and Sao Tome and Principe.

Elsa Pinto, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sao Tome and Principe recognizes that this decision is above all political: " For us, the opening of a consulate, anywhere in Morocco, is above all the establishment place for our nationals of an administrative authority. After it is precisely in Laâyoune, the reading that can be done is that Morocco wanted to testify to its local supremacy there. "

" This is clearly an offensive by Morocco in several stages , analyzes Khadija Mohsen-Finan. These overtures have no diplomatic reason, but it is effectively a promotion of the sovereignty of Morocco, of active sovereignty. "A Sahrawi official reads exactly the same:" The objective for Morocco is normalization. They want to get the international community to accept this. "

South Africa shows its position

The idea, explains a researcher, is to marginalize SADR within the African Union. The West Sahrawi Arab Republic can still count on strong allies, be it Algeria or Nigeria. And especially South Africa, whose leader takes for one year the rotating presidency of the organization. And from the inauguration, Cyril Ramaphosa expressed his point of view declaring his unfailing support " for the people of Western Sahara " and recalling his " right to self-determination ".

" It is not a surprise ," said the head of Moroccan diplomacy. There is the national position, that of South Africa as we know it, and then there is the presidency of the AU, it is something else. When the UN voted the last resolution on Western Sahara recalling the principles that are defended, the Security Council was chaired by South Africa. This did not prevent this resolution from being adopted. "

But it will still be difficult , warns Ibrahima Kane of the Open Society Foundation. Cyril Ramaphosa will be split between the guiding line of his ANC party, which has always supported the Polisario Front, and his desire not to enter into direct conflict with Morocco. Especially since Morocco is beginning to be an important player on the continent on the political and economic level. "

Detailed map of Western Sahara. RFI

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