Teller Report

Call about friend Fransson's doping case: "Shocked"

2/8/2020, 9:25:11 AM

On Monday, news came that Jenny Fransson tested positive for the anabolic steroid methyltestosterone. Charlotte Kalla has followed the reporting. - I was shocked, I couldn't believe it was true, Kalla tells Expressen.

Swedish sport has had two notable doping cases during the week. Partly the European gold medalist in cross country, Robel Fsiha, and partly the Olympic bronze medalist in wrestling, Jenny Fransson.

Charlotte Kalla, who has the same major sponsor as Fransson, was shocked when the news came.

- I was shocked when I was told about a positive a-test. Jenny is a girl that I feel very honest and open to and has met her on several occasions during sponsorship meetings. I couldn't believe it was true, Kalla tells Expressen.

Yesterday, news came that Fransson's b-test was positive and she has now been removed from Sweden's Olympic squad and SOK's support program Topp and Talang. Fransson herself thinks that she does not know how she got the banned substance.

- My thoughts have really been with Jenny as a person. I hope she gets stronger out of this, says Kalla.

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