Teller Report

Seten: relegation from the Spanish Cup is a step forward for Barcelona

2/7/2020, 1:37:11 AM

Barcelona coach Enrique Seten summed up the lost match against Athletic in Bilbao in the quarter finals of the Spanish Cup.

“There are days when you can score with one hit, and sometimes you can not score with ten. I don’t know what it is connected with, inspiration, confidence or something else. There are moments that neither the coach nor the players can control, and this is one of them. Everything went well, except for the result. It’s sad that we flew out, but I think this is a step forward in understanding what we need to improve. I noted a lot of important points for myself, ”Marca quotes a specialist.

Earlier it was reported that Cherchesov promised to evaluate the performance of Smolov in Spain after some time.