Teller Report

Personal record for Klopp in the Premier League

2/7/2020, 7:25:23 PM

Liverpool coach Juergen Klopp crowned the Premier League Coach of the Month award last January, for the German coach to receive the award for the fifth time, a new record.

Liverpool coach Juergen Klopp crowned the Premier League Coach of the Month award last January, for the German coach to receive the award for the fifth time, a new record.

Liverpool recorded the best start of the season at the level of all clubs in the five major European leagues, where the team lost only two points during its career in the first 25 games of the current season of the English Premier League, as he won 24 times, tied once.

Liverpool is on a steady streak towards the Premier League title for the first time in thirty years.

The Reds scored five Premier League wins in January, widening the difference with Manchester City, their closest lead, to 22 points.

Klopp overtook Man Guard City's Pep Guardiola, Southampton coach Ralph Hazenhatle and Watford coach Nigel Pearson.

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