Teller Report

Mello choreographer: "Jan Johansen has a clear vision"

2/7/2020, 7:31:17 PM

The big Mello snack ice cream this week has been that artist Thorsten Flinck was suspended from the competition because of an ongoing criminal investigation. Jan Johansen will be the one to shoulder the responsibility of performing Flinck's song, but choreographer Sacha Jean-Baptiste is not worried. - We have worked hard and it feels great, says Sacha Jean-Baptiste to the Culture News.

On Saturday, Jan Johansen will be performing at the Melodifestivalen for the fifth time. In this year's competition, he replaces Thorsten Flinck, and participates in the song Miracles Time, the same song that Thorsten Flinck would have performed.

But despite short notice, choreographer Sacha Jean-Baptiste is confident that things will go well.

- When you get in so quickly, there are lots to discuss, but it is great. The most important thing for us is that Jan is here and will sing this song and that his vision will come to fruition, says Sacha Jean-Baptiste, to the Culture News.

See the entire interview in the clip above.