Teller Report

The oppressed heritage

2/6/2020, 10:09:04 PM

A new hadith among the people of our time was not familiar, and an accusation was not known, it is the accusation of Islamic heritage at times that it is the reason for the delay of the nation, and another that is futile is not suitable for this era, and another and .. And if this accusation is based on acceptable arguments, then consideration will stand, however, It is a charge incapable of th

A new hadith among the people of our time was not familiar, and an accusation was not known, it is the accusation of Islamic heritage at times that it is the reason for the delay of the nation, and another that is futile is not suitable for this era, and another and .. And if this accusation is based on acceptable arguments, then consideration will stand, however, It is an accusation that is incapable of proof, so that this deficit is an argument for the invalidity of this accusation.

- Islamic heritage is the living proof renewed in every era and Egypt on the civilizational, intellectual and epistemic power of this nation.

Indeed, the Islamic heritage is the living and renewed proof in every era and Egypt of the civilizational, intellectual and epistemic power of this nation, which has nourished the various nations with what works for their cognitive and scientific progress. This French law, which is considered the mother of modern civil laws, is derived from the Maliki juristic heritage, and this Ibn Sina's medical heritage is still a sweet source of modern medicine in medical colleges in the West before the East, and these are theories of Ibn Al-Haytham Optical and mathematical al-Khwarizmi, and many others are abundant, all of which still provide modern science with inherent cognitive rules of knowledge and knowledge; because they know the heritage and appreciate it right Dora, as well as cognitive heritage inferred from the Quran and Sunnah, which are the legacy of human need to derive them to reform the beliefs and worship and transactions and moral values ​​which are a common denominator among nations, large and their diet is. That is the river Article of Revelations ..

So what do those people value their heritage ?! Perhaps the bearer of this is the distance from his studies, and the inability to comprehend it when they did not qualify for that knowledge qualification, so they were only aiming for rusty arrows with no feathers, to respond to them with sorrow and remorse, because the human nation - and not only Islamic - knows the value of heritage, it does not increase it The dimension of the centuries is nothing but adherence and care, which makes us pity for those, as represented by the first saying:

O butt of the high mountain with its mission ... have pity on the head, do not pity on the mountain.

We endowed controversy with what they say about the impotent saying of the poor, so we fold the records of heritage, and we say to them: Provide us with what is good for us again in your knowledge. Glorified and glorified, and the words of our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and they gave us a philosophical knowledge in which we strengthen our arguments, and they gave us the science of meanings, revelation, and innovation so that we understand the rhetoric of the Holy Qur’an, and we know that it is still a miracle of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him forever.

Is any of those able to come up with something like it or close to it in order to follow its impact and not to follow the heritage ?!

They are all loyal to their loyalists who are unable to do anything, and they were advocates of demolition, not advocates of building and rooting, and at that time we thank Shawqi and have mercy on him, when he instructed us not to consider such whips by saying:

Do not follow the example of a fascinated gang ... they find old things all evil

From every past in the old and demolished ... And if he advanced to the building by minors

The heritage is the nation, and it is the past, the present and the future. A nation that has no past, no present and no future, as Hakim Al Arab said, Zayed, may God have mercy on him. If leaving heritage means an open invitation to abandon the principles, values ​​and history that expresses a tongue that indicates our existence before there is Advocates of destroying it or bypassing it to something less.

There is nothing wrong in whispering in their minds that the heritage calls for serious work to reform mankind in all fields, intellectual and applied, as he who built an Islamic civilization over the past fourteen centuries, scientific institutions are still praising it, knowing that it was a civilization where there is no similar to it in the kingdoms European, and to a scientist who reads the message of George II of England, Sweden and Norway to the caliph, the king of Muslims in the Kingdom of Andalusia Hisham III, he sympathizes to accept a delegation from the people of his kingdom to quote something from the sciences of Islam and his civilization. Whoever loves to read it read the heritage.

And that heritage that established that civilization is now present and more than it, so it was better for the advocates of its demolition that their efforts be focused on reviving it, spreading, praising and applying, until the nation returns to its glory that was lost due to their loss of heritage.

«Grand Muftis, Director of Ifta’s Department in Dubai»

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