Teller Report

Ikata nuclear power outage trouble Cooling system stopped for 43 minutes No nuclear fuel abnormality

2/6/2020, 7:25:11 PM

Last month, a power outage at the Ikata Nuclear Power Station in Ikata Town, Ehime Prefecture caused a 43-minute shutdown of the cooling system of the pool that stores nuclear fuel.

Ikata nuclear power outage trouble Cooling system stopped for 43 minutes No nuclear fuel abnormality February 7 4:18

Shikoku Electric Power announced last month that the cooling system of the pool that stores nuclear fuel had been shut down for 43 minutes following a power outage at the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant in Ikata Town, Ehime Prefecture. The temperature of the pool rose once more, but there was no abnormality in nuclear fuel.

At the Ikata Nuclear Power Station, which was undergoing regular inspections last month, a power outage was suspected due to a failure in equipment related to power transmission, and power was temporarily lost.

According to Shikoku Electric Power's announcement, the cooling system of the nuclear fuel storage pool at Unit 3 was shut down for 43 minutes due to the power outage.

The pool holds a total of 1504 nuclear fuels, including 16 spent MOX fuels made from a mixture of plutonium and uranium, and five MOX fuels that will be put into the reactor in the future. Was.

According to Shikoku Electric Power, the temperature of the pool rose 1.1 degrees due to the shutdown of the cooling system, but no abnormality was found in the nuclear fuel in the pool.

Shikoku Electric Power continues to investigate the cause of the power outage in detail.