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French press review - Latest News: Trump almighty

2/6/2020, 12:10:09 PM

Headlines: Trump Almighty

Audio 06:32

President Donald Trump during his State of the Union address on February 4, 2020. REUTERS / Leah Millis

By: Frédéric Couteau Follow


" No doubt Nancy Pelosi (the Democratic president of the House of Representatives) wanted to show her contempt , Pointe Le Figaro , when she tore apart the speech just made by the American president before the Congress on Tuesday evening. Rather, it will remain as the image of his resentment towards this shady king who refused to shake his hand at the start of the annual meeting on the state of the Union. Understandable bitterness, if she had imagined Donald Trump limping in the hemicycle like a wounded beast, the arrow of impeachment stuck in his side. Because the man who addressed the nation in the songs of his supporters - "four more years!" - has never been stronger , says Le Figaro . He has just survived the most radical attempt to eliminate it that the American Constitution allows, a dismissal trial. A boulevard seems to open before him for re-election in November. "

Towards a second term ?

Indeed, one wonders what could stop Donald Trump ... " Acquittal by the Senate, polls at the highest, fiasco of caucuses in Iowa ... (...) the re-election of the American president has never seemed so plausible ", s exclaims Liberation . " Democrats have reason to worry. And more and more difficult to conceal their frustration. Like Nancy Pelosi, therefore, who in an extraordinary gesture, tore up the copy of the speech given to him by Donald Trump. "

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2020

Southwest adds: " the democratic fiasco in Iowa, a dismissal trial that makes pschitt, a republican party under orders, rising polls, a healthy economy: Donald Trump, candidate for his re-election, has what feel galvanized. You can call it, optionally, an alignment of the planets or a "caucus vein". (…) As expected, Trump's electoral base is impervious to the accusations, however substantiated, that splash their president. (…) The Democrats have three months to find the rare bird that will bring them together to challenge the ogre Trump. At this point, the operation looks like an ascent of Everest without oxygen. And one has to wonder, in such a context, if Trump's best opponent is not already in the White House. "

Indeed, borrow The Latest News from Alsace , “ Democrats have suffered from post-traumatic stress since the election of Trump. More than three years later, they are still unable to determine a strategy to face it. As for beating him… (…) The only thing we can be sure of is that they have abandoned the very idea of ​​social combat and that Trump has recovered the popular electorate and what remains of the working class in this country . "

Buttigieg, the last minute guest…

In any case, surprise, in this primary democratic of Iowa: it is Pete Buttigieg, the youngest, 38 years old, who stands out…

So beware, warns Le Figaro , " a long road awaits him. (…) The victory is there, but it seems insignificant on the arithmetic level. Iowa will send only 41 out of 3,979 delegates to the Milwaukee (Minnesota) national convention from July 13 to 16. And Buttigieg gleaned 10, the latest news, against 8 for Bernie Sanders. "

But why not ? " It's an improbable story ," exclaims La Provence . 38 years old, veteran, homosexual, married, good speaker, politically centrist, Pete Buttigieg only has experience as his mandate as mayor of South Bend (…). This is little. "But," remember , recalls La Provence . Four years ago, the Republicans had given, by default, to Donald Trump, real estate tycoon, reality star, renowned for his escapades and long known for his democratic sympathies. Today, even if nothing is played, the democrats are tempted, against all expectations, by a moderate iconoclast who himself considered that his "victory", certainly still disputed yesterday, was "staggering". In a way , La Provence still points out , Emmanuel Macron, ephemeral minister, barely launched, already elected, was the result of this new democratic deal. As if, in politics, from now on, it was better to have neither passed nor curriculum…

Macron : president of the rich, over and over again ?

Also on the front page, in France, Macron's economic policy benefits the rich and the elderly…

This is at least what emerges from a study by the OFCE, the French Observatory of Economic Conditions, a think tank classified on the left.

In this study , specifies Le Monde , the economists scrutinized the fiscal and social measures of the first three budgets of the Macron era, and their consequences on the purchasing power of the French. Their conclusions are unequivocal : (…) the poorest 5% of French people should see their standard of living reduced by around 240 euros per year, calculated the OFCE. At the same time, the richest 5% should see theirs rise by 2,905 euros per year. "

Comment from Le Monde : " the beginning of Emmanuel Macron's mandate had earned him the label of " president of the rich ". Almost three years later, it may continue to stick to his skin. "

" Approaching the impossible municipal bet for LREM and while the stormy examination of the pension reform begins, this OFCE indictment falls ill , adds Le Républicain Lorrain. Stressed for months, the social climate hardly needs a spark. "

A high voltage tank

Finally, " Bac option pagaille " is the big title of Liberation .

Liberation lingers over 6 pages on the new formula tray.

" Establishments blocked, tests canceled or disturbed, unequal and sometimes questionable examination conditions ... Minimized by the Minister, the fiasco of the new version of the bac deeply breaks the educational community ", notes the newspaper.

Liberation Comment: “ rarely has such a state of tension been observed among secondary schools in the country. (…) Some note that this climate is particularly harmful to pupils, many of whom only ask to take their exams in a normal, that is to say peaceful, atmosphere. But others , notes the newspaper, point to the accumulation of charges hanging over the teachers' backs. A reform implemented in the hussar, tests organized in catastrophe without sufficient means, which add to a legitimate concern about the future. The government has promised that the current pension reform will not penalize teachers, that salaries will be increased to avoid any deterioration in the amount of pensions. But, deplores Liberation , nothing specific has been announced. The blurring generates anxiety. And the anxiety of excessive or uncontrolled reactions. "

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