Teller Report

1917: the third soldier is you

2/6/2020, 3:14:04 PM

TEN NOMINATIONS Best film Best director (Sam Mendes

  • Criticism. 1917: war inside and in a single stroke
  • Candidates Complete list of nominees
  • Other candidates. 'Parasites'
  • Other candidates Jojo Rabbit
  • Other candidates Ford vs. Ferrari
  • Other candidates.
  • Other candidates: History of a marriage


  • Best film
  • Best Director (Sam Mendes)
  • Best Picture (Roger Deakins)
  • Best Original Screenplay
  • Best makeup and hairdresser
  • Best Soundtrack (Thomas Newman)
  • Best production design
  • Best sound editing
  • Best sound mixing
  • Better visual effects

The first thing you hear when they talk to you about the 1917 Sam Mendes movie that competes this Sunday for 10 Oscars are the words 'sequence map' and then you hear the adjective 'false' and you think that of course it is a false sequence plane because it cannot if they have managed to roll a movie set in World War I with two soldiers continuously moving kilometer after kilometer running jumping and crawling and you go to the cinema thinking that you will discover the cuts and you will know for sure if there are two or twenty but All these thoughts go to hell as soon as the army's boss confesses to those two soldiers who have sabotaged the communications and orders them to cross the enemy ground to warn their almost two thousand companions on the other side that they should not attack because they are going Direct to a trap and certain death and you see how the two soldiers enter the trench and how the camera takes you to stand by their side and absorbs you e and it makes you without eating it or drinking it in the third soldier and you understand that you are going to leave your life trying to get that message to arrive on time and you feel that when you have to write about the film you will also do it in a text-sequence because there is no a better way to do it although when you enter the trench you know that it will not be simple but you trust yourself because you already know the place even if it is superficially since you remember that you were there in Glory Paths accompanying Kirk Douglas although Stanley Kubrick made a bit of a trap because the ground was very clean, not like Mendes' trenches that overflow dirt and look more like the ones Mel Gibson and Mark Lee went through in the movie that Peter Weir rolled over the Gallipoli disaster or the ones you saw when the beautiful thoroughbred Joey on which Steven Spielberg rolled Battlehorse sinks in the quagmire to the spine so that like him you go down to the mud and participate and run with n your two companions and you step on the corpses that step on them and you are scared when they pass fear and you duck when they duck and they climb when they climb and the only thing you do not do like them and it is surprising not to do it is to bleed when the bullets they rub you because it goes if they rub and shoot you when it touches but only because you don't have what so you just have to try to get alive at the end that is when the adrenaline finally comes down and you stop to breathe and that's when you remember details in the that you had not repaired along the way for example that you have seen several

shooting british stars

so fleeting that although you do not make the real sum, you calculate that they do not leave more than ten minutes in a two-hour movie and it is a shame because you have seen many of them all and they are among your favorite actors starting with Colin Firth with who can not stay to chat because he has stopped being him and has become a general who sends you to death so you can only obey and run away to find yourself a little further with Andrew Scott your bad bad favorite since you saw the Sherlock series or with Mark Strong that you remember as the best Merlin that Kingsman could have and a little further is the prominent member of the Stark family in the legendary Game of Thrones Richard Madden and finally Benedict Cumberbatch whom the world in general remembers like Dr. Strange of Marvel but for you it is Sherlock himself and that they are there precisely because they are so stars that they pack and attract public and as Mendes himself has confessed if you have the stars you get the money and everything else so welcome even if they leave a little while and the protagonists are less known and chosen thus on purpose so that it is easier for us to identify with them although they are also no newbies given that we have seen Dean-Charles Chapman among others in Game of Thrones and George MacKay was the son of Viggo Mortensen in Captain Fantastic and veteran of Afghanistan at Dawn in Edinburgh so you get close to them and run through the fields of France in full war in the year that gives title to the tape although in fact the famous

false plane sequence

It was filmed in the United Kingdom although you find out later because you have gone to the cinema without reading almost nothing about it to not swallow any spoilers but as soon as you go out you investigate and confirm that it actually has about 30 cuts although of different sizes since some sequences They last a minute but others reach nine and are so well mounted that you have not noticed because you are not an expert and also you have only taken care of delivering your message without being killed and that ability to concentrate has been possible because you and the camera is the same and she is at the center of the action so they had to make them a special of smaller size than usual that had enough depth of field to be able to use it from very close although more than as a camera they have used it as a ball rugby getting on and off trucks without releasing it to get long sequence shots and the cuts were minimal and the way to achieve it was to rehearse and Previously choreograph the film until it is known by heart so that at the time of filming 'only' it was necessary to repeat the rehearsed and a cloudy day to maintain continuity because if it rained or it was sunny they had to stop and wait causing a situation that Sam Mendes has defined as "being in the hands of the gods" and could not use artificial lighting either because the camera moves around the actors and the spotlights would be seen on screen so it was to overcome one difficulty after another in addition to the usual ones of any film as evidenced by the 'how it was done' of a scene in which 475 extras participate and that has circulated like wildfire on social networks

for its spectacularity, so it must have been a technically very complicated shoot that has become a magnificent result with a fast-paced movie that we owe to Sam Mendes's grandfather since he participated in World War I and his stories about the front served him to the British director of inspiration which has led him to thank him in the credit titles dedicating the tape to the grandfather and it is also in the credits where you discover that this year in the Oscars there

more Spanish presence

of what it seems although you already knew that there was a lot because at this point few will have to not know that Almodóvar competes with Pain and Glory in the category of Best International Film and that Antonio Banderas will beat the copper for the best actor award to what we must add that Sergio Pablos has given the bell with Klaus and has cast as a candidate for Best Animated Film but what is not so well known is that in 1917 there are two more Spanish names this time in the technical part in which the Executive producers Ignacio Salazar-Simpson and Ricardo Marco Budé whose producer Mogambo is behind Dolor and Gloria , Superlopez or Father there is only one among many others and at this point it is only wish that all of them get home the prize and wait that before those who have managed to reach the end of this text-sequence lose their patience, someone shout cut.

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  • cinema
  • culture
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