Teller Report

The Swedish biathletes are ported from the World Cup hotel

2/5/2020, 6:31:15 AM

In Anterselva last year, half the Swedish squad fell ill in stomach disease. This year, they will be deported from the World Cup hotel. - They thought we were spreading a bad reputation about them, coach Mattias Nilsson told DN.

It started with Sebastian Samuelsson becoming stomach-sick and ended with Linn Persson, Peppe Femling, walker and leader being forced to cure themselves. No optimal situation for the Swedish biathlon team then.

Right now Sweden is fully charging for the World Cup in Italian Anterselva - but no accommodation at the hotel they stayed overnight last year.

- We were not welcome back, coach Mattias Nilsson tells DN and continues:

- They thought we were spreading a bad reputation about them.

The biathlon World Cup in Antholtz commences on 13th February and is broadcast in SVT.

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