Teller Report

The deadlines for preparing a list of free Internet resources

2/5/2020, 9:35:19 AM

Until the end of February, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications intends to determine a list of Internet resources for Russian users, to which free access will be provided.

“We are having a discussion. I think that by the end of February we should fundamentally decide what should be included in this state-guaranteed social package, ”RIA Novosti quoted a statement by the head of the department, Maksut Shadayev.

Earlier, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has denied media reports about compiling a list of socially significant Internet resources to which Russian residents will be provided with free access.

On January 15, President Vladimir Putin, while addressing the Federal Assembly, proposed to implement the Accessible Internet project throughout the country. It is assumed that it will provide free access to socially significant domestic services. The mechanism of its introduction is discussed.