Teller Report

The Bordeaux Ciné-Notes music festival explores monsters and creatures

2/5/2020, 8:55:16 AM

The third edition of the Ciné-Notes festival in Bordeaux, this year will have the theme “Monsters and Creatures”, with in particular an ET film-concert

The Bordeaux Aquitaine National Orchestra - Opera de Bordeaux

  • Benoit Daldin is the creator and artistic director of Ciné-Notes, the Bordeaux opera film music festival.
  • The theme this year will be “Monsters and Creatures”, and the work of composer Jerry Goldsmith will be highlighted.
  • In addition to a cine-concert, the program provides for a large symphonic concert, which will be conducted by Diego Navarro.

The marriage of music and cinema will spark again this year. The third edition of the Bordeaux National Opera film music festival, Ciné-Notes, will be held from March 18 to 29. The theme, Monsters and Creatures , will allow you to explore all the facets of this very special universe of film music. 20 Minutes interviewed the creator and artistic director of the event, Benoit Daldin.

What is the common thread of the Ciné-Notes festival?

It's an eclectic festival. There will be a theme this year, Monsters and Creatures, and a composer, Jerry Goldsmith, will be honored. He has written music for numerous monster and creature films, such as Alien, Gremlins and Planet of the Apes . We will offer a symphonic concert in the auditorium, played by the ONBA (Orchester national Bordeaux Aquitaine) conducted by Diego Navarro - who is the greatest conductor of film music at the moment -, with great works very well known ( The Teeth of the Sea , Jurassic Park , The Planet of the Apes …), and rare scores ( La Mouche , Dracula , or Beauty and the Beast ).

The conductor Diego Navarro - Aaron Ramos

We will also produce a film concert, ET , which we no longer present, even if we do not really know the complete score of John Williams, which is a small masterpiece.

Why ET ?

ET is the archetype of the real great cinema-concert to be presented. Spielberg had also found the score so great, that he put together the whole end of the film to make it stick to the music.

The movie concert has been a genre in vogue for a few years, but there is the good movie concert, and the bad one, right?

The film concert explodes, but not all are created equal. A good movie concert for me is a total spectacle: you need enough music to justify it, and the music is good enough to be played. Conversely, there are film music that is not very interesting, and which is nevertheless mounted in a film concert. For example, The Godfather , Coppola's film with music by Nino Rota, is a real mistake: the film lasts 3 hours, but you have 45 minutes of music. The orchestra therefore finds itself for more than two hours on stage without playing. That, for me, is impossible. Finally, and here I am talking specifically about Cine-Notes, I only want live music, but many cine-concerts are forced to amplify to bring out this or that instrument.

So not all film music can be played in this kind of festival?

No. First, there are quite simply many films in which there is very little music. Second reason, film music is recorded in the studio, where we do what we want, with the number of musicians we want, but in concert there are obviously more constraints, so that some movie music does not work live.

Is there a golden age of film music?

There is a golden age of music for symphony orchestras, which goes from the late 1930s to the early 1970s, with composers like Bernard Herrmann or Max Steiner… These great European composers arrived in Hollywood during the war, to find work, and they wrote very large scores for the cinema, like Gone with the wind , King Kong , or the films of Hitchcock. Then, in the 60s and 70s, jazz and pop arrived, with other ways of considering film music. Today, there is a lot of music that is made by computer program, which bothers me a little. But we still have very great composers, like Pierre Adenot and Mathieu Alvado, who are playing at the festival this year.

Who is the audience for Ciné-Notes?

It is an audience which does not usually come to listen to Brahms and Beethoven, but which is attracted by the large movie posters which we offer. The Teeth of the Sea or Jurassic Park , it speaks to everyone.

The @operadebordeaux Cine-Notes festival will give jazz pianist Thomas Enhco carte blanche for a set of improvisations on the theme of this 3rd edition, "Monsters and Creatures". A concert at 1 Euro for those under 28! March 28 in the auditorium of #Bordeaux

- mibosredon (@mibosredon) February 5, 2020

Ciné-Notes Festival, from March 18 to 29. Program and reservations on the Bordeaux Opera site.


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The concert of pianist Thomas Enhco at 1 euro for those under 28

The Ciné-Notes festival will give carte blanche to the young jazz pianist Thomas Enhco, who will improvise around the theme “Monsters and Creatures”. This concert in the auditorium is offered at 1 euro for those under 28 years of age. Saturday March 28 at 9 p.m.

  • Aquitaine
  • Bordeaux
  • Concert
  • Music
  • Movie
  • Culture