Teller Report

Last minute of the coronavirus: At least 10 infected coronavirus on the Japanese quarantine cruise

2/5/2020, 9:20:07 AM

The Ministry of Health of China announced on Tuesday that the death toll from the outbreak of the new coronavirus in the country has increased to 490 and 24,324 people have already been confirmed

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The Ministry of Health of China announced on Tuesday that the death toll from the outbreak of the new coronavirus in the country has increased to 490 and 24,324 infected people have already been confirmed. Although China is the epicenter of the outbreak and the most affected country, the coronavirus has already spread to other countries in Southeast Asia and cases have also been detected in Europe and America . Outside of China, two people have died from the virus. The first in the Philippines and the other in Hong Kong .

10 infected on a cruise in Japan

The Ministry of Health of Japan announced on Wednesday the detection of at least 10 infections of the new coronavirus among the 3,700 passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which has been declared in quarantine when it was planned to disembark in Yokohama , south of Tokyo, after passing by Hong Kong , reports Efe.

The results correspond to a first round of medical tests performed on 31 of the approximately 2,700 passengers and 1,000 crew members of the ship, so it is feared that the total number of infections will be higher. The ten passengers whose contagions have been confirmed have been hospitalized and none of them have serious symptoms, according to Japan's Minister of Health, Katsunobu Kato , told a news conference today.

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  • Coronavirus
  • China
  • Diseases
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Pneumonia
  • Science and Health

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