Teller Report

Four members of the federal skating office resign

2/5/2020, 8:31:27 AM

French skating is at the heart of the turmoil and its president, Didier Gailhaguet, does not want to resign

Didier Gailhaguet, president of the FFSG, at the exit of the Ministry of Sports, February 3, 2020. - Bertrand GUAY / AFP

They gave up on continuing. While the executive committee meeting in extraordinary session Tuesday evening decided to trust the president of the ice sports federation (FFSG) Didier Gailhaguet, at least the time of the investigation, four of its members decided to throw the sponge. Treasurer Jean-Bernard Hamel, Alban Préaubert, chairman of the national sports committee for figure skating, Christophe Lambert, former chairman of the Burgundy League and Pascal Henry, chairman of the Louviers club, refuse to support President Gailhaguet by full of the scandal of sexual violence in French skating.

Pascal Henry explains: “I am one of those who do not support that all the members of the committee or of the federal office be considered as pedophiles. Gailhaguet is not the only responsible, he showed us a file in which he points out the failings of the administrative investigator, but he was aware for Gilles Beyer. "

Regarding the extraordinary committee held on Tuesday evening, he said: “There were 6 or 7 of them who asked him to resign at the start of the session to appease things. And then we quickly understood that he didn't want to. I cannot condone that, I think of the victims, of all the licensees who must be protected from a withdrawal of authorization. It would be catastrophic for the clubs, which would mean that it would start from scratch. The motion was not voted unanimously since there are four of us who have resigned before. "

Didier Gailhaguet is organizing a press conference on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in which he intends to defend himself.

  • Skating
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