Teller Report

When Imany sings Radiohead's "Creep" in the studios of Europe 1

2/4/2020, 4:34:15 PM

Invited Tuesday in & quot; The wild outfit & quot ;, the singer Imany interpreted a cappella the refrain of & quot; Creep & quot; from the British group Radiohead. She then explained to Matthieu Noël's microphone that she hummed this title to her daughter to put her to sleep. & Nbsp;

Invited Tuesday in "The wild equipment", the singer Imany interpreted a cappella the refrain of "Creep" of the British group Radiohead. She then explained to Matthieu Noël's microphone that she hummed this title to her daughter to put her to sleep.


The singer Imany has the habit of performing Bohemian Rhapsody , Queen's masterpiece on stage, or even Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Cher. Invited in L'Équipée sauvage on Tuesday, Imany sang a few notes from another legendary pop music title: Creep by the British group Radiohead. As she explained to Matthieu Noël's microphone, Creep is the song she is currently humming to her daughter to fall asleep, at night, at bedtime.

>> Find all of Matthieu Noël's programs in replay and podcast here

At 40, Imany has sold more than a million records and released two albums ( The Shape of a broken heart in 2011 and The Wrong kind of war in 2016). A few weeks ago, she released a box from her live concert at the Casino de Paris. She also signed the credits for Woman , the new film by Yann-Arthus Bertrand which will be released on March 4 in theaters.

See this post on Instagram

A little cover in between work session just because I felt like it! New stuff in progress ... stay tuned # happy2020 #imany #acoustic

A publication shared by Imany (@imanyeasy) on Jan. 21, 2020 at 7:21 am PST