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Video .. A Jordanian doctor who was infected with "Corona" tells his experience with the disease

2/4/2020, 4:10:38 PM

Jordanian Doctor Maher Younis, Head of the Internal Medicine Department at Zarqa Governmental Hospital, said that "Corona" is a normal virus that infects the respiratory system, and it can infect any person without showing any symptoms, continuing: "I got it and did not know at first because My health is good. "

Jordanian Doctor Maher Younis, Head of the Internal Medicine Department at Zarqa Governmental Hospital, said that "Corona" is a normal virus that infects the respiratory system, and it can infect any person without showing any symptoms, continuing: "I got it and did not know at first because My health is good, "he said, noting that the effect of the virus could be difficult for people with immune deficiency or chronic diseases such as diabetes, the elderly, children and pregnant women.

Watch ... a Jordanian doctor who was infected with "Corna" tells his experience with the disease and how he overcame it

Quoted from Arabic # Emirates_Today

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) February 4, 2020

Younis added, during an exclusive meeting with him on the Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath channels, that the Corona virus does not transmit in the air, as some believe, but it is transmitted through the spray that exits from the nose or mouth of the infected person, as it is transmitted through contact with surfaces, for example If a person touches the surface that an infected person has touched and then touches his nose, eyes, or mouth from here the virus is transmitted, and he continues: "The injured person must protect his surroundings and isolate immediately."

The Jordanian doctor stressed that it is possible for a person to be infected with the Corona virus and survive without feeling, stressing the need to take all necessary precautions during the period of the virus's spread, and to maintain personal hygiene continuously.

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