Teller Report

UN Secretary General calls on US to resolve visa situation for diplomats

2/4/2020, 8:43:09 PM

UN Secretary General António Guterres said the issue of issuing US visas to diplomats from various countries planning to take part in the UN’s work in New York should be resolved. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

Guterres noted the importance of establishing a “normal situation regarding the issue of visas.”

“There are situations when there may be excuses for any restrictions for reasons of national security. But what we see should be normalized - we need normal conditions for the functioning of the UN, which means that visas should be issued on a regular basis, ”said the UN Secretary General.

On December 19, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution obliging the United States to issue entry visas to diplomats participating in events of the world organization in a timely manner.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, commenting on the situation with issuing visas, said that the United States openly abuse the privileges of the country where the UN headquarters is located.

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