Teller Report

They urge the Generalitat not to leave spaces for an event in Lleida with a former member of the Grapo

2/4/2020, 8:01:38 PM

New controversial authorization of the Generalitat against the sensitivity of those affected by terrorist violence in Spain. The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) and the PP of L

  • Terrorism: In freedom the history of GRAPO Jesús Cela Seoane after 23 years in prison

New controversial authorization of the Generalitat against the sensitivity of those affected by terrorist violence in Spain. The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) and the PP of Lleida have asked the Catalan administration not to give up public spaces for an act of support platform for the musician condemned for the exaltation of terrorism Pablo Hasel, in which it is planned to participate the former prisoner of Grapo Paco Cela Seoane. Specifically, the president of the AVT, Maite Araluce, showed her rejection by letter to the celebration of an act next Saturday at the Sant Anastasi hostel in Lleida, organized by the Libertad Pablo Hasél Platform, which is part of the Generalitat's network of this type of establishments.

Although the poster of the act presents him as a “political prisoner”, from the AVT they remember that “he has never had that condition and they point out that Cela Seoane left the Picassent prison in Valencia on April 25, 2019 after serving more than 30 years of conviction for numerous crimes. In addition, the entity asks the Generalitat "not to give up spaces of its dependencies such as this Lleida shelter to give a voice to someone who has been convicted of terrorism, as it implies humiliation and a clear contempt for the dignity of the victims of terrorism."

"From the AVT we believe that giving a speaker to an express terrorist to question the Spanish Constitution and 41 years of Democracy is not something that should be done in a public space, so we demand its immediate prohibition," says the letter sent to the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, and the director of the territorial services of Lleida of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families, Vidal Vidal Culleré, on which the network of hostels in the area depends. Also the PP of Lleida has urged the representatives of the Generalitat not to allow the use of a public center for this talk since "they are acts that all they do is generate hate."

Pablo Hasel was convicted in 2018 for crimes of exalting terrorism, with the aggravation of recidivism, and insults and slander against the Crown and State Institutions for extolling figures of members of the ETA and Grapo terrorist bands on his twitter profile. When Cela Seoane left the prison last year, the rapper participated in a tribute concert in Castellón to the member of the Grapo.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Lleida
  • PP
  • Quim Torra
  • Spain
  • ETA
  • Parot doctrine
  • Catalonia

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