Teller Report

Primary Democrats in Iowa: Buttigieg Tops Partial Results, Followed by Sanders

2/4/2020, 10:22:15 PM

Pete Buttigieg, 38, obtains 26.9% of the delegates on this partial count, ahead of Bernie Sanders at 25.1%. For its part, Elizabeth Warren is at 18.3% and the former vice-president of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, suffered a setback, finishing fourth at 15.6%.

Pete Buttigieg, 38, obtains 26.9% of the delegates on this partial count, ahead of Bernie Sanders at 25.1%. For its part, Elizabeth Warren is at 18.3% and the former vice-president of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, suffered a setback, finishing fourth at 15.6%.

Pete Buttigieg leads the vote in the Iowa primary, according to results from 62% of the polling stations, ahead of Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, according to figures released by the Iowa Democratic Party on Tuesday after vote.

Bernie Sanders is not in the lead as he announced

Pete Buttigieg, 38, former mayor of an average city in Indiana, obtains 26.9% of the delegates on this partial count, ahead of Bernie Sanders at 25.1%. Elizabeth Warren is at 18.3% and the former vice-president of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, suffered a setback, finishing fourth at 15.6%.

Monday evening, the eleven candidates were scrutinized during the high mass which is the caucus of Iowa. And for good reason: historically, whoever wins Iowa wins the primary. But this first vote, to launch the primary campaign, flopped because of a computer bug. Democrats invoke what appears to be a computer crash. Inconsistencies were identified in the compilation of the results, but it is difficult to find out more. This caucus was supposed to put the Democrats in orbit for the final designation of the challenger to Donald Trump,

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