Teller Report

Lesotho's wife, accused of the murder of her husband's ex

2/4/2020, 8:52:15 PM

Lesotho's first lady, Maesaiah Thabane, has been declared Tuesday suspected of the murder of Lipolelo, the first wife of Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, according to


Maesaiah Thabane in an Instagram image. IG

Maesaiah Thabane is suspected of the death of Lipolelo, the first woman of the prime minister, shot in 2017

Lesotho's first lady, Maesaiah Thabane, has been declared Tuesday suspicious of the murder of Lipolelo , the first wife of Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, police sources in the African country have reported.

Lesotho Police have confirmed that Thabane is in police custody after returning to his home country from neighboring South Africa, where he fled last January 10 to avoid an arrest warrant.

Hours later, according to South African media, after being interrogated, she has been accused of attempted murder in connection with the death of Lipolelo, shot at night at the doors of her house; located just outside the capital of the country, Maseru.

The murder took place in 2017, two days before Thomas Thabane took office as prime minister for the second time in his career, with a coalition government agreed after elections and several years of great political instability.

See this post on Instagram

The 80-year-old Prime Minister himself was interrogated on January 22 at his residence, in a case that has already unleashed a serious political crisis in that small constitutional monarchy in South Africa.

Thomas Thabane , in fact, has one foot out of office, since according to his own party, the All Basoto Congress (ABC), last month agreed to resign; resignation that has not yet become effective.

Thabane is also accused of having tried to expel the current Chief of Police of the country , Holomo Molibeli, from his position, for his efforts to investigate the first lady.

That conflict between them caused a letter to appear in which the police claimed to have evidence of calls made to the prime minister's number from the scene of the murder.

This situation threatens to unleash a new wave of political instability in this small mountainous kingdom geographically nestled in the middle of South Africa.

The constitutional monarchy of Lesotho, currently headed by King Letsie III, who has no executive power, has experienced numerous coups since the country gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1966.

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