Teller Report

Is "Simon's Last Life" really the last?

2/4/2020, 8:43:15 PM

Léo Karmann intertwines genres in the highly successful “The Last Life of Simon”, in theaters this Wednesday

Camille Claris and Benjamin Voisin in "The Last Life of Simon" by Léo Karmann - Day 2 Party

  • "The Last Life of Simon" shares the experiences of a boy with a strange power.
  • Between storytelling and romantic comedy, Léo Karmann finds an original tone.
  • This film presented at the Gérardmer Festival brings a welcome breeze of novelty to French fantasy cinema.

What a beautiful surprise that The Last Life of Simon by Léo Karmann presented out of competition at the Gérardmer Festival! Simon is not like any other boy: this orphan who dreams of a family has the capacity to take on the appearance of the people he touches. “What interests us is to use a fantastic concept as a metaphor for an intimate subject,” explains the director to 20 Minutes .

Between tale and romantic comedy, this touching film co-written by Sabrina B. Karine constantly surprises by playing the card of magic. When the authors claim to be Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Tim Burton, this does not surprise the spectator who understands that these two fell into the pot of genre cinema when they were little.

Good influences

Between The Goonies of Richard Donner, ET of Steven Spielberg and Edward in the silver hands of Tim Burton, the influences of the duo are easily identifiable against a background of childish friendships and more adult loves. Léo Karmann took eight years to set up his project. "I was told that this type of film is not made in France", remembers the director who defines The Last Life of Simon as "a wonderful romance". He did well to persevere. His film brings a breath of novelty to French fantasy when the hero makes a decisive choice that will change his life and that of his loved ones.

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The Fantastic Screen ❤️ SIMON'S LAST LIFE. Wednesday at the cinema. #laderniereviedesimon #leokarmann #ffangouleme #filmfantastique #cinemaindependant #cinemafrancais # jour2fete @ jour2fete_distribution @leo_karmann @sabkarb @ffangouleme

A post shared by La Dernère Vie de Simon (@laderniereviedesimon) on Jan 30, 2020 at 1:17 am PST

A cocktail of emotions

Amazing young actors, such as Benjamin Voisin and Camille Claris who embody the heroes who have become adults, also have a lot to do with the film's charm. This beautiful tender story makes the public as the protagonists pass by all kinds of feelings. "I find it a shame to pay a full price cinema ticket to only feel one emotion," recognizes Léo Karmann. That's why I love movies that mix genres. We can only agree with him in the face of the multiple adventures of a film that manages to be both exciting and all audiences!

# Gerardmer2020 # LaDernièreVieDeSimon HC one of the most beautiful surprises of the festival with the revelation Benjamin Voisin. A fantastic story overflowing with delicacy that touches the heart with its orphan hero in search of the love of a family. Despite a predictable outcome.

- Stéphanie Belpêche (@StephBelpeche) February 2, 2020

Hope for the future

"I hope we will soon no longer hear that the fantastic is not part of our culture," says Léo Karmann. Quality works from The Last Life of Simon should no doubt help to move things forward in the right direction. It is completely inaccurate today to claim that this genre is the prerogative of only Americans.


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