Teller Report

In Paris: Villani unveils the first measures of its program - France 24

2/4/2020, 8:58:32 PM

Municipal in Paris: Villani unveils the first measures of its program

Paris (AFP)

Cédric Villani, candidate for mayor of Paris, on Tuesday unveiled several proposals for his program, including the use of artificial intelligence for street cleaning or creating an urban promenade from the Seine to the Stade de France.

The medalist Fields, excluded from LREM for having stood in front of the official candidate Benjamin Griveaux, offers to use "software trained to recognize dozens of categories of waste which, thanks to the cameras installed on city vehicles, allows 'establish an inventory in real time of the degree of dirtiness of the streets and optimize the routes and frequency of cleaning'.

The mathematician also proposes to use artificial intelligence to "coordinate fires, smooth traffic, anticipate traffic jams and reduce travel times".

The deputy of Essonne still advocates the deployment of 4,500 municipal police officers, the creation of "thirty solidarity houses grouping together all social services", and the development "of social housing, especially for the middle classes, to reach the 25% rate ".

Cédric Villani also wishes to guarantee "a collective reception of children from the age of two in priority neighborhoods and to develop aid so that each child can go on vacation".

Among the measures to "prepare 2030", the scientist advances the dedication of 5 billion euros to the green transition, the automation of lines 7, 8 and 13 of the metro, a plan of 400 million euros for the construction of cycle paths and "create three planted walks".

"The most majestic will be metropolitan: it will link the Seine to the Stade de France via the St Martin canal, brought to light for part of its route, and the Ourcq canal. The St Martin canal will be pedestrianized in its completeness on one of its banks ", explains the candidate.

Excluded from the presidential movement last week, Cédric Villani, who will be in a meeting Wednesday, considered "to be the only one who proposes a serious program, a government program".

"I do not propose to develop vegetable gardens in the Bois de Vincennes or in the Bois de Boulogne, nor do I propose to raise property prices by indebting even more a city that is quite enough ", he still tackled respectively the outgoing mayor PS Anne Hidalgo and Mr. Griveaux, with reference to some of their proposals.

© 2020 AFP

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