Teller Report

"The problems feed on one another" ... Guterres is disappointed and provides a grim picture for the future

2/4/2020, 8:46:44 PM

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres presented a bleak picture of the future, saying that the world's problems feed on one another, future prospects look bleak, and populism is gaining the most attention.

Guterres added in his first press conference at the United Nations headquarters to inform journalists of his priorities this year, that the decisions of the UN Security Council are not respected by anyone.

He added that there is a growing sense of instability and high tensions, which cannot be predicted or controlled, especially in light of the risks of miscalculation.

The UN Secretary-General described the situation in Libya as a scandal, pointing to the presence of Emirati drones, Egyptian movements, Turkish forces and mercenaries from Sudan, in addition to individuals from private Russian companies fighting in Libya.

He said he was very disappointed about what was happening in Libya, as a number of countries in Berlin had pledged not to send weapons there, but the arms embargo was being violated.

In Syria, Guterres said that the escalation amounted to the point that Turkish and Syrian forces bombed each other, stressing that there is no military solution there, and called for the cessation of hostilities to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

He added that the hostilities must stop before an escalation leads to a situation that is totally out of control, adding, "We are especially concerned to see the Turkish army and the Syrian army exchange shelling" in the Idlib area.

Guterres considered that the situation in Yemen is in intensive care, noting that "terrorists" in the world are gaining strength at the expense of the blood of the victims.

On the Palestinian issue, Guterres said that when it comes to Palestine "we are the protectors of international legitimacy and Security Council resolutions," stressing the international organization's commitment "to a two-state solution based on Security Council resolutions and on the basis of the 1967 borders."