Teller Report

Zelensky intends to attract an "avalanche of investment" in the Ukrainian economy

2/3/2020, 7:40:26 PM

The reforms carried out by the Ukrainian authorities should attract an avalanche of investment in the Ukrainian economy. This was reported by Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky.

“Today, we are implementing unprecedented reforms as quickly as possible. We work 25 hours a day and eight days a week ... for the sole purpose: an avalanche of investments should cover Ukraine - both external and internal, ”the Ukrainian President’s website said in a statement.

Among the main reforms, Zelensky singles out the elimination of administrative barriers, the expansion of farming rights, the digitalization (digitization. - RT ) of state processes, the introduction of a transparent land market, and large-scale privatization.

Earlier Zelensky expressed hope that the United States will increase investment in the Ukrainian economy in 2020.