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Video: Mileva Maric, the genius that surpassed Einstein

2/3/2020, 10:07:00 PM

Each achievement has its own story that differs with its owner and his perception of what surrounds him, whether it is a painting, carved, engineering design, fashion group, or event that changed the course of history, and whatever the work differed in its composition and the invisible strands that formed it, which you do not see Except shouted

Each achievement has its own story that differs with its owner and his perception of what surrounds him, whether it is a painting, carved, engineering design, fashion group, or event that changed the course of history, and whatever the work differed in its composition and the invisible strands that formed it, which you do not see Except the eye of its owner, the inspiring personality remains, is the only criterion that does not change, and that mysterious and controversial relationship remains with it, is the real spark that provokes innovation, who are the inspirers in history?

While Albert Einstein celebrates the world as one of the most important physicists in the twentieth century, that scientist has the most important theories that changed many concepts and in turn changed history, a simple question arises about whether there is a credit for the ability of this genius to reach all that fame, and its occurrence He won the Nobel Prize for Physics, and he reached answers to many of his theories that were the cornerstone of modern physics.

The answer is yes, it is Mileva Maric, the woman who exceeded Einstein's intelligence, and was the first assistant, assistant and supporter, and the most important contributor to the development of his research and his theories, classmate classmate, the only girl among male geniuses who were unable to keep up with her genius, who outnumbered them in the academic results in stages and from Including Einstein, who developed with her a relationship of friendship that developed into a love that his family rejected, a love built on many of the sacrifices made by Mileva for that rebellious young man, who had a different nationality and belief, and who believed in his intelligence and ability to succeed, and was keen to remain in the shadows, discuss, support and contribute In developing his research, Desperately seeking to gain the scientific position that she thought he deserved.

Although no one has been able to link her name directly to any of his accomplishments, which is the secret that she has been keen to keep well and for many years, the countless messages between them and their friends, and the testimonies of many acquaintances and family mentioned in the articles and books, provide evidence that does not remain in doubt. A place, with the quantity and strength of cooperation in work between the two partners from their meeting in 1896 until their separation in 1914, where they were an example of a couple who shared the same passion for physics, music, and each other.

Mileva Marik was born on December 19, 1875 in the city of Titel in Serbia, to a wealthy family with an important social status, she is the eldest daughter of Maria Rogec Marik, and Milosz Marik, who gave up his military position shortly after her birth and later held a position in the judiciary.


Preparatory school started in 1886, but her brilliant genius and intelligence made her father eager to get more than just a normal education for a girl, where in 1891 he obtained special permission to enroll his daughter in the Royal Classic High School, which was exclusively for young people, to clearly reconcile in Both physics and mathematics, and then pass a set of difficult exams, and get special approvals to complete her studies and attend physics lectures that are limited to young people at the time.

Marek completed her secondary education in the city of Zurich in Switzerland, after which she moved to her because of her poor health, to graduate from her and complete her studies at the University of Zurich in the field of medicine, a specialty that did not take from her interest in more than one semester, to join in the autumn of 1896 the Federal Institute of Technology In Zurich, which was then known as "Zurich Polytechnic", to be the only girl in her class of six students, including Einstein, and the fifth in this field in the history of the university at the time.

The two fellows were not separated, and the relationship of fellowship and friendship developed into a passion and love soon after, and by Mileva's organizational style of thinking, Einstein helped to redirect his energy and direction in his studies as the letters prove between them, in addition to the testimonies of close friends who talked about the extent and influence of Meleva in Einstein's life In each other.


Both families opposed the marriage of Marek and Einstein, specifically his mother who saw that he needed to marry a German girl like him, a Jewish woman like him, and the younger age, and that Mileva was too smart to be fit for marriage, while his father insisted that his son get a job before marriage, which is what actually happened But, after the great suffering and sacrifice of Mileva, who was carrying in her womb an illegitimate child of her lover, she was called "Laserel", which she had to abandon after her birth, and she is still unaccounted for today.

Einstein managed to get a job in 1902, the same period in which he married Marilya after obtaining the approval of his dying father, devoting himself to office work eight hours a day, while his brilliant wife took care of the responsibility of the house and their two children during the day, and their passion for physics in the evening, where they spent the night hours Al-Tawila are working on theories and equations that changed history later.

Einstein signed

Mileva has been keen since the beginning of their cooperation together to sign all the accomplishments, works and theories only in the name of her husband, in the interest of her, and in a purely male society at the time, that the achievements receive the attention he deserves, and she once said to their colleague and friend Krad Habek about her refusal to put her name on one of their inventions: "Why?! We are only one bloc. ”

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