Teller Report

The perpetrator of the London attack was convicted of terrorism and a former detainee

2/3/2020, 10:05:40 PM

British police revealed that the young, 20-year-old Sudesh Aman, who was shot dead by security forces after a stabbing incident in south London, was convicted of terrorism and served a three-year prison sentence for promoting violent extremist material. He also encouraged his girlfriend to slaughter her parents. But it was never done

British police revealed that the young, 20-year-old Sudesh Aman, who was shot dead by security forces after a stabbing incident in south London, was convicted of terrorism and served a three-year prison sentence for promoting violent extremist material. He also encouraged his girlfriend to slaughter her parents. However, he was released after serving half his prison term, while the terrorist organization ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing attack.

Police said that "AMAN" was killed by armed police officers who were observing him, and indicated that in November 2018, "AMAN" pleaded guilty to charges of possessing terrorist documents and publishing terrorist publications, and in the following month he was sentenced to more than three years in prison, and he was released from prison in Lately after spending half the time.

Police said that, upon examining his computers and phone, they found that he had downloaded materials about making explosives and carrying out terrorist attacks, and messages showed that he had discussed with his family, friends and girlfriend his extremist views, his desire to carry out an attack and was often focused on using the knife.

In December 2017, Aman published a picture of the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a US attack in Syria last October, and told his brother in a letter that "ISIS is and will remain", and he described Yezidi women as "slaves", and in another message he encouraged his girlfriend to Her parents were slaughtered.

In addition, the terrorist organization ISIS claimed responsibility yesterday for the stabbing attack in London, while the British police carried out raids the day after the attack, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he will impose stricter rules on the release of those convicted of terrorist crimes after the stabbing incident. The government will announce major changes soon.

For her part, Home Minister Pretti Patel confirmed that legislation was enacted to end the early release of those convicted of terrorism, and added: "It is right to keep these individuals behind bars."