Teller Report

The EU commented on the appointment of the new Prime Minister of Iraq

2/3/2020, 10:07:57 PM

The EU considers the appointment of the new Prime Minister of Iraq to be an important step in overcoming the political crisis in this country and calls on the Iraqi government to focus on reforms and the organization of elections.

This is stated in the message of the press service of the EU foreign service.

“The appointment of the new Prime Minister, Muhammad Tawfik Alawi, is an important step towards overcoming the political impasse in the country. Iraq urgently needs a functioning transitional government that can focus on reforms and the organization of new elections, ”the statement said.

The EU reaffirmed its support for Iraqi citizens "in a legitimate desire to create a strong and effective state."

Earlier, Iraqi President Barham Saleh instructed the country's former Minister of Communications Muhammad Tawfik Alawi to form a new government.

On December 1, the Iraqi parliament voted for the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi, who filed a petition against the backdrop of ongoing protests since the beginning of October, caused by the worsening social situation in the country, increased corruption in government and unemployment.

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