Teller Report

SVT meteorologist: "Not likely with persistent cold"

2/3/2020, 9:01:09 PM

The mild winter sets it up for the Swedish rally. Unless the temperature drops, the arrangement can be difficult to implement. - It is not likely that it will be sustained cold or properly snow-covered in Värmland, says SVT meteorologist Nitzan Cohen.

In ten days, the Swedish Rally is scheduled to start in Värmland. But the mild winter makes it difficult for the organizer. The route goes from Karlstad in the far south to Likenäs in the north.

SVT's meteorologist Nitzan Cohen emphasizes that nothing is carved in stone, but that the forecast for the rally looks bleak.

- The weather is so, that you can never say for sure in the long term. But the trend is that it is not likely that it will be sustained cold or properly snow-covered in Värmland during the Swedish rally. If so, it is a matter of luck, he says.

"It gets pretty mild anyway"

At the time of writing, the forecast is that it will get colder this week, but then switch back the week after.

- We have a little cooler, especially at night time this week, when we have more high-pressure ridges passing and there will be weaker winds. But as soon as we get into the beginning of next week, a very swift cover for much windier weather awaits.

- And even though it gets colder air mass then it does not mean it gets cold, it gets quite mild anyway.

Swedish rally was canceled in 1990

The last time the Swedish rally was canceled was 30 years ago. Nitzan Cohen sees a clear similarity between winter then and winter now, in terms of averages.

- It is a weather regime that gives this effect, where we have more high-pressure weather in continental Europe and quite strong low pressure out in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea. I am not surprised that they have the same problems now as 1990.