Teller Report

State signs contract with 30 departments on child welfare

2/3/2020, 10:37:09 AM

These departments will conclude with the State, by June, a contract allowing them to obtain financial support for innovative projects in the area of ​​child prevention and protection.

After the broadcast in January 2019 of a first documentary on violence in the homes of ASE, Adrien Taquet was appointed Secretary of State for child protection. - ISA HARSIN / SIPA

Spaces in homes, interventions in families in difficulty, better support for children with disabilities: thirty departments will benefit in 2020 from financial support for child protection, Adrien Taquet announced on Monday.

The selected departments will have to conclude with the State, "by June 2020, a contract with projects and priorities in matters of prevention and protection of children", detailed the Secretary of State for the Protection of childhood.

An envelope of 80 million euros

Sixty-two departments had applied for this first wave of contracts with an envelope of 80 million euros, according to Adrien Taquet.

In 2021, then in 2022, around thirty other departments should benefit from the same approach, in accordance with the ambitions of the "National strategy for the prevention and protection of children" presented in October by the government.

The first departments concerned - from the Meuse to the Val-d'Oise, passing through Corsica, Guyana, Reunion or the Gard - were chosen for their innovative projects in terms of prevention, detection or management of abused children.

"We also sought a geographical balance between urban and rural areas, including overseas, as well as departments with particularities such as insularity, growing demography or the significant arrival of unaccompanied minors," added Adrien Taquet .

These contracts will involve "co-financing by departments up to 50%" at the national level for "projects with fixed objectives and whose first results will be evaluated within a year," he said.

Child welfare faced with serious difficulties

For example, it will involve investing more in maternal and child protection for home visits, supporting the accompaniment of children with disabilities, or setting up “children's villages”, structures managed by Action Enfance and SOS Children's Villages, which foster the reception of siblings in “villages” of several small pavilions.

More than 350,000 young people are the subject of a child protection measure in France, half of whom are placed in homes or with foster families.

Faced with major difficulties, the sector of social assistance for children (ASE), placed under the competence of the departments, was recently the subject of several television documentaries revealing failing care, especially in homes .

  • mistreatment
  • Child
  • Society
  • Social
  • Child protection