Teller Report

Los Morancos: 40 years of Omaíta and humor in Andalusia

2/3/2020, 8:16:38 PM

One of the most notable events in the career of Los Morancos in recent years has been its flexibility, its ability to adapt to new times once they are em


César and Jorge Cadaval during a performance in Madrid. GTRES

The Cadaval brothers are still in the spotlight with the good performance of their videos on YouTube

With you now I want to govern, the parody of Los Morancos on the Spanish policy that triumphs in the networks

Los Morancos, between leopards and recreation rooms

One of the most notable events in the career of Los Morancos in recent years has been its flexibility , its ability to adapt to new times once the succulent reef of public television began to run out. For years - and, especially, in the 90s and 2000s - Jorge and César Cadaval were among the most sought-after comedians for TVE galas designed for a general public, that is, one who does not usually consume Faemino and Tired gags or Movistar + type programs: they dropped specials at the end of the year , galas on Saturday and, in short, their slapstick- style humor with a Triana denomination became omnipresent. Possibly, their share summit was reached with the version of Dragostea Din Tei , a Romanian pop success of the O-Zone group that they popularized by adapting the chorus, with a thick brush, to say the "gay pen".

But things began to change. Budget cuts, the shift of the priorities of the Entity towards productions with the personal stamp of José Mota and also a turn in the style of humor that a younger audience liked, which today is more identified with the Resistance and its movements that with Antonia and Omaíta squealing and throwing objects by the head. That does not mean that Los Morancos disappeared from the map, because at this point it seems difficult - also Chiquito de la Calzada had its low moments, and never ceased to be Chiquito, that is, God -, but it is true that its focus of incidence has changed. 40 years after the brothers formed their humorous duo, they are still usually seen on television, especially in talk shows - recently, about Bertín Osborne , today in El Hormiguero , another day will be Emma Emma's - and not so much with own production sketches programs.

Gone are some scandals and controversies, such as the Arny case - in which Jorge was linked in 1998 - or the African safari of César, in 2016, with a perched leopard perched included.

The Morancos continue to fill gaps and connect with their usual audience and a new generation that has known about their parodies, his histrionics and their festeringly endearing gifts for disguise thanks to their skillful YouTube infiltration . It has always been said that, at the moment when a video reaches one million views on YouTube, that begins to have a positive impact on the content creator's income, and Los Morancos already reach those numbers with relative slack in each one of the videos that hang, parodies like those they did on TVE but now managed for their own channel and that deal with Pablo Iglesias , the uproar of the Catalan independentistas , aesthetic fashions such as grafting hair among politicians, and any event of today that gives rise to sharpen the sarcasm and create a parody, musical or not.

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The good performance of the videos of Los Morancos on YouTube is what makes tickets to live shows sold, and all this keeps the two brothers in the spotlight, survivors of a way of making humor that is no longer the dominant in society, but still in abundant demand. If things had not gone well, they would not have suffered too much the consequences personally - the good income obtained during their golden years led them skillfully to the financing of different companies , ranging from hospitality to agriculture - but César and Jorge They would have had to anticipate retirement at 59 and 54, respectively. That, certainly, are not ages to retire, and they are still a good time to convert, which is what they have done without their rings falling or advertising revenue.

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