Teller Report

Health Priority - Update on the Coronavirus Epidemic

2/3/2020, 5:17:23 PM

The coronavirus epidemic hitting central China (following a first report to the WHO on December 31, 2019) has not yet reached its peak, according to Chinese media. Cases of pneumon…

Update on the coronavirus epidemic

Audio 48:30

Chinese security officer taking the temperature of a passenger in a vehicle, in Xianning, not far from Wuhan, on January 24, 2020. REUTERS / Martin Pollard

By: Caroline Paré Follow

The coronavirus epidemic hitting central China (following a first report to the WHO on December 31, 2019) has not yet reached its peak, according to Chinese media. There are cases of viral pneumonia in Germany, Japan, the United States, several Asian countries, and also in France.


The quarantine measures decided by the Chinese authorities concern more than 50 million people and European capitals are preparing the evacuation of their nationals, despite WHO's contrary recommendations.

What do we know today about this virus? Which research teams are mobilized and how do they work with the Chinese authorities? How do you assess the danger of this type of emerging disease? Are national and international responses appropriate?

  • Pr Arnaud Fontanet, head of the epidemiology structure for emerging diseases at the Pasteur Institute
  • Pr Christophe Rapp , infectious disease specialist at the American Hospital of Paris (Neuilly). President of the French Society of Travel Medicine . Consultant at the Bégin Military Hospital in Saint-Mandé in the Val-de-Marne
  • Pr Khadidiatou BA Fall, associate professor of Val de Grâce, infectious disease internist. Head of Department of Infectious Pathologies at the Main Hospital of Dakar in Senegal
  • Testimony of Stéphane Lagarde , RFI permanent special envoy to Beijing, placed in quarantine, after his stay in Wuhan
  • Dr Ibrahima Socé Fall, WHO Deputy Director General for Emergencies.

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  • Health and Medicine
  • coronavirus

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