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French press review - Headlines: Brexit… now what?

2/3/2020, 5:16:43 PM

After the UK's exit from the European Union, the new questions: starting with those that have been very little asked about the future of Europe.

What's new: Brexit… now what?

Audio 06:15

A pro-Brexit outside Parliament in London, March 13, 2019. © REUTERS / Hannah Mckay / File Photo

By: Norbert Navarro

After the UK's exit from the European Union, the new questions: starting with those that have been very little asked about the future of Europe.


Brexit? Bye-bye London , launches the weekly Challenges headlinesThe games are now done, and Europe will get used to living at 27 […] This prospect which saddens any convinced European will not hide the truth of the facts : the cataclysm promised by the “remainers” did not happen ”, already underlines this economic weekly.

In fact, the United Kingdom has not sunk. No. The “ real victim of Brexit is Europe ” highlights in L'Express. Because here it is “ amputated of one of its important members and condemned to scrape its funds of drawer if it wants to finance its future programs […] On the geopolitical level, the departure of the British will also considerably reduce the voice of Europe in within major international bodies, a voice that is already difficult to hear, ”explains this weekly.

But for L'Express , there is more serious

According to this newspaper, what is most serious is “ the shock wave of Brexit on the whole of the European edifice. Because for the first time since 1957, the project backtracked. At a time when the world is hardening, when we are witnessing the return of nations and borders and the questioning of the principles of multilateralism, the European Union is teetering on its pedestal […] The arm of honor that comes from inflicting Boris Johnson on him must not mask the disillusionment and the tears at work within the continent ”.

As this weekly deplores, “ the list of angry subjects continues to grow […] Borders, immigration, budget, industry, European priorities: on all these subjects, consensus has been shattered. Worse, while yesterday the special position of the United Kingdom allowed its partners to build political balance, its withdrawal risks exacerbating rivalries between capitals. Between the liberals of the North and the Latin countries, between those of the East and the founding members of the EEC… And even between Paris and Berlin ”, warns L'Express . Weekly newspaper according to which " the unraveling of Europe is no longer an empty threat ".

The bombing of Bouaké, a painful subject that marked a tear between France and the Ivory Coast in 2004

The weekly Marianne publishes some " good sheets " from the book by Jean Balan, lawyer for families of French victims of this deadly bombing which, on 6 November 2004 in Bouaké, claimed the lives of 10 people, including nine French soldiers, and injured 38 others. Published by Max Milo, entitled " Crimes without punishment " (with reference, of course, to Dostoevsky's novel Crime and punishment ), this book intends to denounce the " Bouaké affair, one of the biggest scandals of the Fifth Republic ", then that the trial of this bombardment must begin for three weeks on March 17 next in Paris. Trial which Marianne hopes he “ will try to find […] who gave the order for the attack and why ? ".

Being recalled that the French investigating judge Sabine Keyris had considered necessary the referral to the Court of Justice of the Republic of three ex-Chiraquian ministers, Dominique de Villepin, Michèle Alliot-Marie and Michel Barnier (referral which the commission rejected of the requests of this exceptional jurisdiction), Marianne denounces the " behavior " of Dominique de Villepin, who, under oath, affirmed " never to have been informed ", but also that of Michèle Alliot-Marie, " multiplying the contradictory statements according to the interlocutors ", first.

But Marianne then evokes a " big suspicion : if the drama of Bouaké was a French-French manipulation, with the participation of part of the entourage of Laurent Gbagbo, in order to eliminate the latter? ".

And then ... and then, there again, there is something more serious: " two days before the bombing, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, Chief of the General Staff of Jacques Chirac at the time of the facts, sent him a note very enlightening relating to Guillaume Soro, the rebel leader, and his ally Alassane Ouattara ", note added to the investigation file and revealed in the book by Jean Balan. Note in which General Georgelin made the following recommendation to Jacques Chirac (I quote): " It would be advisable to keep to the two interested parties (Editor's note: Soro and Ouattara, therefore) a convincing political language, stressing that the only possibility of overthrowing the president Gbagbo is going through the elections, ”reports Marianne . As an old Scottish proverb says: " Truth is the daughter of time ".

The Chinese virus: more than 300 dead already, including the first outside of China. A real challenge for Chinese President Xi Jinping

This health crisis constitutes the " most crucial test of his career ," points out L'Obs. If it turns into a pandemic, its rivals who criticize in a low voice the confiscation of all powers could be tempted by an action against it ”. Being reminded that a coronavirus is a crown virus, L'Obs warns that the coronavirus could then cause it to “ lose its crown ”.

These delinquency and crime figures, finally : in France, insecurity is on the rise

Provided by the very official security service of the Ministry of the Interior, they are published this morning by Le Journal du Dimanche . In 2019, there were 76 more homicides than in 2018. " While France was hit by only one terrorist episode, […] 2019 will have been more deadly than 2015 ", the year of the Paris attacks , emphasizes The JDD . The statistics on assault and battery are also on the rise. And Le Journal du Dimanche wonders whether or not security will become Emmanuel Macron's “ Achilles heel ”.

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